"There is a thriving sense of community" "Marvellous Manners" "The school is a calm and purposeful place" "Pupils behave well in lessons and want to learn" OFSTED 2023

Be on time!

When your child is late it is not only impacting on their attendance but it is also disruptive to the rest of the class when they are settled and starting their lessons.
If your child is 15 minutes late every day, it will add up to 2 weeks of the school year being missed!
Arriving at school The gates will be manned and opened at 8.45am and locked at 8.59am promptly. Registration is taken at 9am promptly, all children should be ready in their classrooms by then as lessons commence at 9.05am. After 9am, children MUST be signed in by an adult at reception. Please email or phone the office by 8.45am if you child will be absent.
TOP GATE - this should be used by children in Little Tors only. (Preschool and Reception children)
MAIN GATE - all other children should use this gate. Children in Shapley and Marden should then walk up to the back of school and enter by their classroom doors.
Children in Easdon should enter through the library door and use the internal stairs. Children in Beckaford should enter by the end doors.
If you have children using both gates, please deliver and collect your younger children first